Safe2day - simple online safety programs for Dealerships, Auto Service, Hospitality, Golf and Recreation

Customer Success Story

Customized Without The Cost:
Creating Programs That Fit For
Alberta Dealership Groups

Safe2day - simple online safety programs for Dealerships, Auto Service, Hospitality, Golf and Recreation

“When the OHS laws changed in 2018 we met with Ryan and learned that there was a real need for functional safety programs for all Alberta companies.” remembers the Facilities Coordinator with Go Auto.

“Not only were formal programs now a requirement, but there were some changes to the act that allowed officers to extend orders from one location to all locations in the province. This is a real concern for larger groups like Go Auto” says Ryan Hurlbut, President of Safe2day “and they didn’t want a rebranded oilfield program, they wanted something that would work within the dealership model”.

Safe2day - simple online safety programs for Dealerships, Auto Service, Hospitality, Golf and Recreation

“Being able to build a unique program that fit our needs in a collaborative and cost-effective manner was the key.”

Facilities Coordinator & Program Leader – Go Auto Group

Starting in April 2018 Go Auto partnered with Safe2day to create a safety program that worked for them: built for auto and RV dealerships; centralized and automated through software and with all stores able to access professional consultants whenever required. Each store runs the program via their safety committee, so it doesn’t become another burden for managers already running over capacity, plus this allows employees to get more involved and buy in to the program.

“The program has continued to evolve and improve as we have worked with Ryan over the last few years to further develop our programs, training and systems. And having the ongoing relationship with Safe2day we have comfort knowing that we are always kept up to date and have the help to deal with any issues as they occur.”

Learn how Safe2day can create a program that works for your organization.
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Safe2day - simple online safety programs for Dealerships, Auto Service, Hospitality, Golf and Recreation

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